Holy Grail of Asian Arowanas

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Photo: Courtesy of http://www.coolanimalworld.com/

No, don't get me wrong with the title. There is nothing inferior with other kinds of Asian Arowanas. All kinds of fishes are the most beautiful in their own right. What i am referring to is the current trend in the hobby. Below are the sub species list of Asian Arowanas, according to their pricing, most affordable to expensive.

Asian Green Arowana
Asian Grade 2 (G2) Arowana
Asian Red Tail Golden Arowana
Asian Golden Hi-Back Arowana
                 - Full Cross Back Golden Arowana
                 - Blue Base Cross Back Golden Arowana
                 - Full Cross Back Golden + Full Helmet  Arowana
Asian Red Arowana

So from the current trend of the Asian Arowana market you can understand why i titled this post as the Holy Grail of Asian Arowanas. A close friend of mine and too a fishkeeper, had 4 Hi-Backs and 1 Red Tail Golden in his tank. It was his first try at Asian Arowanas and a comm of AA (full of guts isn't he!). He had them for close to a year and decided it's time to upgrade to something more valuable and in his own eyes, connecting and beautiful. I have had the honor (heh) to listen to his intention for sometime already. And today, it finally happened.

So we sold his 5 Arowanas. The buyer came prepared,

Photo: Buyer came with bags, box and portable air pumps.

And i was almost just in time to see all 5 finally packed to go. 

Photo: Buyer bagging his new wet pets himself!

Actually we didn't plan to purchase the new red so quickly. As it is not easy to find a Red Arowana that is in good form and potential coloring (even in Singapore!). We had went to quite a lot of LFS and Fish Farms in the last few months looking. But we didn't manage to see any that met our standards. But today after the transaction, something happened along the way and we needed to go down to a LFS area to custom make something. While we were there, we took another look at one of the Arowana shops we had last visited a couple months ago. And there, a couple of Red Arowanas caught our eyes. Actually most of the Arowanas in the shop were at almost perfect form. But two stood out. And one finally met our standards. 

After a round of drinks at the nearby Coffeeshop pondering, contemplating and everything (a Red Arowana is not cheap even in Singapore, therefore a good decision must be made before committing to this kind of pricing and many years to come as our pets), we went ahead. We bagged it and i accompanied my friend back to his house. We proceeded to release the Red into his now almost quiet tank.


Photo: Red Arowana first hour into the tank.

Photo: Red Arowana first hour into the tank (right side).

The Arowana has perfect finnage. Good sized tail fin. More-than orange fin colors and partially almost red lips. Fish were healthy and strong. We have good feeling about this fish in general. For those who now is thinking what fish is this farm from... it is from GML Aquatic Fish Farm. The fish parents were from a line of Indonesian Brooders. The fish diet is market prawn which is a good thing. Means my friend doesn't have to wean him off any live feeders now that he have him!

I'm glad my friend has finally gotten that one fish he always want to get. For me, if i were to get another Asian Arowana one day, it'd be probably Blue Base Cross Back Golden, Full Helmet Golden, or even a Red too! But currently i am happy with my Red Tail Golden which is my pet and my friend.

So which is your favourite? :)