Filter Medias

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Photo: Aquarium Filter Rings, usually made of Ceramic, Sintered Glass or Bricks.

Filter Medias

What are Filter Medias?

Filter Medias are any items that people in this hobby use as a host for Beneficial Bacterial to grow, attach itself on and their day job (and night) is cleaning up your water biologically.

Most of the Medias available in the hobby are mostly made of or are Ceramics, Sintered Glass, Stones, Rocks or other invented patented products. Different products boast different capabilities or capacity to host a different amount of Bacterial through it's porous makeup. But the idea is there, this is the home to beneficial bacterial.

Filter medias are undisputed one of the most important equipment a healthy and functioning Aquarium requires. Although beneficial bacterial do grow everywhere in a tank (on tank surface, substrates and surface of almost everything you have in the tank), filter media allows beneficial bacterial to congregate and grow undisturbed so they can fully perform what they are being cultivate for. Have you heard someone's tank water turning chalky or their fishes became lethargic or even died after they cleaned their tank surface or disturbed the substrates? This is due to beneficial bacterial being affected or even wiped off during such cleaning. When the beneficial bacterial is disturbed, it is unable to fully perform it's job in reducing the Ammonia that is being produced by both the fishes and stirring up of substrates (which buildup alot of Ammonia through fish poop and debris over time).

Having filter medias means your beneficial bacterial is able stay undisturbed and could concentrate on doing their job. And having a host for the beneficial bacterial, they are able to colonize and grow in bigger numbers than they could find enough space to cling on to tank surfaces or substrates. This is where multiple products have been invented that could provide more surface area per inch to host these bacterial.

So which kind of Filter Medias should i get?

It only depends on your budget. Bacterial clings to everything. On our hands, that coffee table or our bed sheets. If you thinking of giving the best for your wet pets and are preparing to spend, there are a lot of reputable brands in the Aquarium Industry you could look into. They offer X amount of porous area per inch of the Media and the only holdback is simply still, your budget. There are various filter medias on the market the one could be spoiled for choice. These are,

Lava Rocks
Ceramic Rings
Ceramic Rods

Under each of these items are many varieties. There are cheap China made Ceramic Rings that are mostly brand-less to more expensive ones by Mr. Aqua. The same case with Media Rods. These along with Ceramic Rings are available in many varieties and makeup that are patented by individual producers. Sponges hold the top for the cheapest in price. They might be overlooked nowadays as better and durable products are available but they too work as a host for beneficial bacterial. The pros? They are cheap and comes in shapes, thickness and sizes that you could cut to your filter size. The cons? They are easily washed out and reduce to a thin piece after awhile. By then which you need to add in new sponges and let the recycle continues.

However, fear not. If spending alot money seems redundant to you for just a hobby here's the good news. There are many household items that costs as cheap as a dollar are too useful to use as Filter Medias. Examples,

Scouring Pads
Bathroom Scrubs

These come as cheap as a dollar for 10pc. And they do the same job as products intended for Aquarium use only. But to be aware, make sure the pads and scrubs isn't laced with certain anti-bacterial chemical or properties otherwise it would defeat the purpose.

Where should these Medias be placed in my Aquarium?

Filter Medias are best placed out of the aquarium itself. And the most efficient filters are often something out of the Aquarium itself. For example, Sumps, Overhead Filters, Hang-On Back Filters (HOB). Internal submerged filters often do work though their capability to handle high bioloads are being limited by their size and lack of oxygen through running water. And at the same time it is unsightly to many people.

Filter Medias being out of the main aquarium means there is less chance your bacterial could be disturbed. Either by you doing water changes, cleaning the tank or by your fishes.

Please read the more expanded article on types of filtration here.